
4 SEO Advantages of Responsive Web Design

Responsive Website Benefit Your Website SEO

Are you aware of the fact that more than 70% of websites are not responsive, and hence, they are not being able to reap the advantage of responsiveness? It goes without saying that responsive websites have edge over websites that are not responsive in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With this post, we are going to present you with couple of advantages of a responsive web design. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1. Multiple Device Friendly

Responsive websites render well on the screens of various sizes according to the user’s device. Search engines, like Google, gives priority to responsive websites and ranks them on top as compared to those which are not responsive. Search engines find responsive websites easy to crawl and index its content faster.

2 – Mobile Friendly Websites Are Boosted

Google have clearly stated that they consider responsiveness of a website as one their ranking factor. The reason behind the same is the fact that over 60% of searches on Google are performed on mobile devices and it is believed that the amount of mobiles searches is going to increase further considerably. Hence, it is necessary for you to get a responsive website and enhance your website’s ranking.

3 – Improves Speed of Your Website

If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, your visitors are probably going to abandon your websites. Visitors, these days, have very less patience. They want everything instantly, and loading of a website is of no difference. Moreover, when someone is on the go, they really do not like a website that loads slow. If the loading speed of your website is slow, your target audiences are surely going to land on your rival’s website. Responsive technology in a website makes its loading speed faster.

4 – Better User Experience

If your users love your website and spend time on it, search engines are probably going to love your website too and place it at the top of search engine result pages. Responsive website provides exceptional experience to its users, which can eventually help you win better rank.