The traffic that you get through search engine is much more likely to get converted in your customers as compared to traffic from social media platforms, says an SEO Company in Bhopal, India. However, with the end goal to achieve the same, you are ought to stop believing in certain myths associated with SEO.
Believing in such SEO myths can make the task of raising the rank of your website hard. It will also create hurdles in improving their search traffic.
In this post, we are going to introduce you with a couple of SEO myths that a large part of the SEOs believe that it is true. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:
Keyword targeting became irrelevant after Google Hummingbird
The Humming bird algorithm has greatly impacted the search pattern. It has encourages the content writers to acquire a new way of thinking that will be beneficial for the targeted audience. According to an SEO Company in Bhopal, India, if keywords are still being displayed on the first page of Google, it means that they are still important.
Having an XML sitemap will boost your search rankings
Having an XML site is a crucial task. It helps Google to crawl your website more efficiently. Whenever you add or edit a post on your website, the Google XML sitemap generator creates a sitemap of your website including your new or edited post and submits it to Google. But do you really believe that an XML sitemap can boost the rank of your website? If yes, know that it is never going to help in this, says an SEO Company in Bhopal India.
Meta tags don’t matter
Using Meta tags is really a great way to tell search engines more about your website, but it is not going to help you with the ranking of your website in any way. It can help you provide more information about your website to the search engines and make your website look attractive in the search results. Thus, it is worthy to spend time on the Meta tags of your website, but do not take it as a ranking factor.