
What is Bounce Rate & How To Reduce It?

Bounce Rate

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors visiting a single page of your website and then leaves without browsing other pages within your website. If the bounce rate of your website is high, it can impact your website’s ranking to a large extent. Having a high bounce rate implies that your website is not worthy enough in the eyes of Google.

How to Reduce Bounce Rate?

Being the leading SEO Company in Bhopal, we are going to provide you with couple of techniques to reduce bounce rate. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1 – Aim to Offer Better Overall User Experience

User experience is the overall experience that any visitor to your website feels while interacting with your website. A website would be considered to be offering good user experience when visitors finds it not only easy to use but also enjoyable.

Creating a user-friendly website that appears the same on all platforms and devices is the initial step in offering good user experience. Carefully follow the behavior of your users and what influences their decisions.

2 – Optimize Your Call to Action Button

Often by looking at a visible section without movement on your website, a great degree of users decide whether they like the site in the first few seconds. This section varies from device to device. Now that you are well aware of what your users see, you are ought to optimize that section. You must put forward straightforwardly what you are dealing in and a clear call to action must be placed.

3 – Enhance the Speed of Your Site

Since users, within the first few seconds, make an assumption about a website, you should not waste this precious time in displaying something that would not be useful for your visitors. Aim to increase the loading time of your website. Do not save money by getting cheap hosting service providers, compress your images, use CDN etc. There are hundreds of things that you can do to enhance your site’s speed.

SEO Aim point is the leading SEO Company in Bhopal with an experience of more than a decade. Know that, if the bounce rate of your website is high, it will impact your website’s ranking greatly. Reach us today to enhance the ranking of your website.